He is an expert in Indian ‘Vastushastra’ and Numerology in art & science of channelizing the flow of energy through any commercialand residential “vastu”. He has a large clientele base, who testify to the miraculous changes that have occurred after following his guidelines.
He has successfully given consultancy to many Residential, Commercial projects (office, Factories , Banks and schools) The best part of his Consultancy is the combination of Vastushastra and Numerology He gives guidance on the basis of date of birth of an individual and the Vastu being used by the person. This is a unique methodology towards Vastushastra and Numerology.
He has united the knowledge of use of crystals in ancient India, for enhancing the aura, with the help of ‘Crystal Healing’. He integrates ancient knowledge of yogis, yogic kriyas, Reiki, Agnihotra and use of mantras and has brought immense benefit to a large number of his clientele.
He has provided consultation to more than 1000 people and every day his clients are increasing through word of mouth and results and experiences in there day to day life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]